Always with a smile on her face, Mrs Janet Healy is a much loved member of the community. As a Senior School Mathematics teacher and Head of Year (Year 9), her passion for education is evident all throughout the school year.
Why did you become a teacher?
I have always loved learning. With teaching I get to share my passion and knowledge but also, through discussion with my students, see a topic from a new perspective. There’s no better reward than seeing the spark of understanding on a student’s face as the concept ‘clicks’.
What do you like about working in the Senior School?
No day is ever the same, there’s always something new and different happening on campus. I enjoy being part of the Mathematics and Pastoral Care teams and interacting with the students in my care.
If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
1. Tolerance in a demanding world.
2. Good health for family and friends.
3. Educational opportunities for all.
Best purchase you’ve ever had?
Permanent resident visa (and then citizenship) for Australia.
Worst purchase you’ve ever had?
Bad coffee – just awful!
What do you like about Wesley?
Being part of a community that can make a difference.
Favourite quote?
‘Have courage and be kind – where there is kindness there is goodness and where there is goodness there is magic’ – Cinderella.
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