Oct 4 Opinion

The hustle behind Wesley’s bustle

When Wesley College is humming along at its best, it runs like a well-oiled machine. Of course, like a machine, there are a lot of cogs — that you can’t always see — working smoothly together to make the passing of the hours seem effortless for the students. But it is this commitment — from…

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Jun 15 Opinion

It’s Men’s Health Week

It’s Men’s Health Week, and this year’s theme “HEALTHY BODY – HEALTHY MIND: KEEPING THE BALANCE” explores the different ways men and boys are managing to keep healthy, physically and emotionally, in a busy and sometimes challenging world.

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May 16 Choosing a School, Opinion

Boarding: Kids From The Bush Thriving In The City

How do you deal with the idea of having to send your child to boarding school at twelve years of age?  At any age? The idea of a splintered family? Knowing that you won’t be able to give your child a cuddle when they’re feeling hurt or disappointed, or just having a bad day? Thousands of parents in regional Australia wrestle with these fears while trying to make the best decisions possible for their children’s future.

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Apr 25 Opinion

Wesley’s unique ANZAC Day tradition, to remember the 56 Old Boys who gave their lives for our nation

Today is ANZAC Day. For many of you who have attended our OWCA ANZAC Day Service before, Wesley College’s tradition of the vacant chair is well-known.

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Mar 29 Opinion

Rev Nalin Perera’s Easter reflection

It costs a lot to choose to embrace the fullness and richness of God’s creation, rather than functioning within the limited views of conventional wisdom. However, I believe embracing such foolishness is the only choice to be made, no matter what it costs, even if we are isolated as a minority for being “different.

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Aug 30 Opinion

The pursuit of global competence

Wesley finds itself in a unique position. We are a school actively exploring the notion of ‘global competence’ and intentional capabilities. Furthermore, we are a school well advanced in terms of its experience and understanding of the many challenges presented when embedding, communicating, measuring and building common language of capabilities.

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