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In 2021, our generous community made our dream of creating a performing arts studio a reality and that space is currently being transformed into an inspiring learning space for our students.

Throughout the College’s history benefactors have supported The Wesley College Building Fund  and allowed Wesley to complete building projects as the Mildred Manning Science Centre, Ward and Kefford Wing renovations and Joseph Green Centre just to name a few. These are innovative spaces that impact on the education and lives of our students.

How to make a donation

If you would like to make a donation you can do so by clicking the ‘Donate Online’ button below. Alternatively, you can download the a donation form here.

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Donations to Wesley College Building Fund are tax deductible.

Do you need some assistance? We’d be happy to help!

Please contact Alexandra Robertson, Development Manager or Mary Henry, Director of Community Relations on +61 8 9368 8000, between 8.00am–5.00pm, Monday to Friday, or email us at