“The stone was rolled away from the door, not to permit Christ to come out, but to enable the disciples to go in.” Peter Marshall
Easter is family time, a time of joining one another on an Easter egg hunt and celebrating the joy of life. For many Christians it is the most important annual festival.
Often people can recall the events of Good Friday: Jesus dying on the cross to reconcile all of mankind with the God of the universe. They might even be able to recall the Resurrection of Christ and the impact that has.
The quote above from Peter Marshall gives a better understanding of the importance of Easter.
What is my perception of God? Do I accept that God might have supernatural powers? You may or may not believe this to be true.
If you believe that Jesus could have risen from the grave, it is plausible that He could move through walls, space and time and that He could have exited the grave without the stone being rolled away. So why would the gospels state that the stone was rolled away?
To help people believe. If Jesus exited the tomb without the removal of the stone at the entrance, his followers and also those opposing Him, wouldn’t have witnessed the empty tomb and the miracle of the resurrection, hence the stone being rolled away.
To help us in our unbelief, God came down to earth and walked amongst us. To this day God still wants a personal relationship with us, and God opens doors and gives us a helping hand regardless of our spiritual base.
Easter is more than a joyous Easter egg hunt – it shows God’s longing to engage with us, reconcile with us, and journey with us in every aspect of our lives!
May you experience the redeeming grace of God throughout this Easter holiday.
Christ is Risen. He is Risen indeed!
Reverend Manie Strydom | College Chaplain
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