We are delighted to announce that Health and Physical Education Teacher, Mr Craig Bell, has been appointed as Head of Katitjin.
Katitjin is a unique Wesley program that takes Year 8 students out of the classroom for a whole term. During that time, the boys experience learning in a range of challenging and inspirational environments to help them explore ideas such as self-awareness, team dynamics and the importance of community.
Headmaster, Mr Ross Barron, said: “A unique program needs a unique leader and Craig is ideal for that role. His diversity of experiences and overall teaching philosophy, together with his desire to guide young men to become good men, sees him perfectly placed to build on Katitjin’s history and take the program into the future.”
Craig joined Wesley College in 2005 and has held positions as Middle School Boarding Coordinator, Katitjin Teacher and Teacher Coach.
As well as experiencing Katitjin as a teacher, Craig also has two sons that have been through the Katitjin program so he understands it from the perspective of parents and guardians too.
He says: “Katitjin had an impact on me as a parent, it provided a time to let go and stand beside my sons rather than leading, allowing them to develop their own understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and begin to form a picture of who they are and their purpose in society.”
Craig believes that the need for a program like Katitjin is particularly pertinent at the moment. He said: “This year, like no other, has highlighted the importance of programs such as Katitjin. Because of COVID-19 we have had to collaborate, adapt, find solutions, know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and work together as a community to continue to provide a high-quality education.
“These life skills are the core business of the Katitjin program, skills that provide a basis of who you are and where you fit. The Wesley Katitjin program provides opportunities for students to develop these skills and I’m excited to help them explore these important areas.”
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