Legal Details
Wesley College’s legal name
Wesley College
Corner of Angelo and Coode Streets
South Perth WA 6151
ABN: 75 124 120 431
Old Wesley Collegians’ Association’s legal name
Old Wesley Collegians’ Association (OWCA)
Corner of Angelo and Coode Streets
South Perth WA 6151
ABN: 57 132 456 178
OWCA Mildred Manning Scholarship Trust legal name
The Trustee for OWCA Mildred Manning Scholarship Trust
Corner of Angelo and Coode Streets
South Perth WA 6151
ABN: 88 012 313 159
Suggested clauses that may assist with preparation of a Will
1. Residuary Gift in Will
“I give to Wesley College for its general purposes (or name specific purpose) all (or stated fraction) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate whether real or personal and the receipt of the Director of Finance of Wesley College will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee.”
2. Unspecified
“I give to Wesley College the sum of $_______ (or stated fraction) to be used for its general purposes and the receipt of the Director of Finance of Wesley College will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee”
3. Specified
“I give to Wesley College the sum of $______ (or stated fraction) to be used for the purposes of (name specific purpose) and the receipt of the Director of Finance of Wesley College will be sufficient discharge to my Executor/Trustee”
Contact us
If you would like further information please contact us for a confidential discussion.
Contact details:
Alexandra Robertson
Manager (Development)
Phone: +61 8 9368 8127
Corner of Angelo and Coode Streets
South Perth WA 6151
PO Box 149, South Perth WA 6951