We Need Your Help!
Wesley College is proud of its heritage of being one of the most innovative schools in Australia and in 2021 we are excited to launch a new program called Wesley NEXT.
The aim of Wesley NEXT is to give our Year 10-12 students a depth and breadth of opportunities that go beyond our traditional curriculum in order to develop their passions, interests and skills for the next stage of their journey beyond Wesley.
We’re not only thinking about the real-world skills required today – such as how to make the perfect cup of coffee in a part-time job and what careers in medicine and allied health look like, but to raise their interest in new technology such as blockchain, AI and cryptocurrency and how they might just shape the future of the world in ways we can’t yet imagine.
At its core, Wesley NEXT is a micro-credentialing program. Micro-credentials are small, stand-alone courses that certify the achievement of specific skills, experience or knowledge.
It’s important to know that micro-credentials will not replace traditional curriculum, the WACE and formal post-schooling qualifications, rather, they will assist students to be upskilled more quickly in specific skills employers, industry and tertiary institutions are looking for including capabilities of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication.
That’s where you come in.
We plan to develop more than 20 new micro-credential courses over the next 12 months and would love input from industry, entrepreneurs, educators and anyone else eager to brainstorm and help us develop the outcomes, content and skills these courses should offer. No matter your background, you’ll have a perspective to add and something fresh to offer.
That’s why we’re calling it a hackathon. We don’t want to sit down and write a program in the usual way. By throwing out all preconceptions and starting from a position of being willing to explore anything, we hope to rewrite the fixed set of skills that students develop at school and add something truly innovative into the mix. Centre