Glen Gerreyn gave an exceptional WES Talk to a packed room of parents yesterday.
The evening was filled with thought-provoking ideas, including the five fundamental keys to maintaining a healthy relationship with your son.
The positive parenting tips we took away from the evening were:
1. Give them your son a vision. What type of person do you want your child to become? Talk about it, together.
2. Encourage them. Be as specific as you can when giving praise and zero in on the process. Acknowledge their hard work, how they listen to their teacher in class and study each night.
3. Be where you are. Avoid the temptation to scroll through your smart phone or flick the TV channels while talking with your child. Give your child your undivided attention.
4. Teach them how to fail. Everyone fails, including you. Share your personal stories of when things didn’t work out as planned and what you learned.
5. Make the house a haven. No matter what happens, the family will always forgive and will faces the world together.
Today, Glen spent time talking directly to students – after which he said:
“One thing I love about Wesley College is the staff. The staff are amazing; I wish I could say that about every school I go to. It comes from the leadership, from Headmaster David Gee all the way through. I feel like I’m coming home every time I come to Wesley, because of the great welcome I receive.
“I just spent two hours and ten minutes speaking to Year 10 boys and their focus and concentration throughout was impeccable. There wasn’t anybody looking sideways, they were engaged and taking notes for the entire session – that’s unheard of.
“I love Wesley’s culture. It’s holistic, it’s not just about academic, although that’s important. It’s not just about sport, although that’s important. They really work on the whole boy and the whole man, developing his character, values and principles.”
Stay tuned for details of who the next WES Talk speaker is going to be!
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