Easter Egg Hunt

Welcome to the Great Wesley Easter Egg Hunt! The Easter Bunny has left eggs inside 10 photographs on our website. Can you find them all?


As we can’t all be together for Easter, here’s the next best thing…

The Easter Bunny has bounced through the Wesley website and dropped eggs into 10 photographs. They’re not easy to find, but we promise they’re all there! If you can find all 10 you can go into the draw to win a delicious chocolate rabbit from Nosh in East Victoria Park. Yum!

Here’s one of the eggs, just to get you started: Welcome from the Headmaster




Every time you find an egg, write down what page it was on: Uniform Shop, Boarding, etc.

Once you’ve found all 10, send your list of pages to communityrelations@wesley.wa.edu.au

Everyone is welcome to enter, but only one entry per person!

We will put all the correct answers into a hat and draw a winner on Thursday 16 April at 1.00pm.


So, what are you waiting for? Hop to it!